3D Printing, Media Arts and Engineering Grant
Every year, the state of Florida makes money available to Jacksonville University in the form of an EPIC grant. It is to be used for workforce enhancement in the disciplines that apply. In early 2023, I, Dr. Paul Dinius and Professor Peter Bohm wrote an application to widely expand JU's 3D printing capabilities to include four more FFF printers and add two SLA printers to our capabilities. It was successful, and we were awarded $24,000.00 to buy more printers.
Here are some of the engineering images of student work from this past year. They were produced under the direction of my colleagues Dr. Dinius and Prof. Bohm:

All works except the green marshmallows are PLA, the green cylinders are TPU filament printed on our Lulzbot TAZ ProS FFF printers.
Below is the work of a senior Animation student Taylor Gonzalez. These are characters from her senior animation The Ties That Bind.
All are printed in PLA and finished with spray paint.
