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Senior Theses Computer Animation Highlights 2013-2014

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This video represents a sample of animations produced by three senior animation students from 2013 and one Illustration major from 2014. I served as thesis, aesthetic and technical advisor on these projects. Click on the timecode to jump to that specific student's work.


Joel Esposito

Joel researched the life of a WWII aviator, Fredrick Beidelman, from Jacksonville and created this animation as a response to what he found. 


Michelle Pabalate

"I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas" was her senior project, though she began work on the project at the end of her junior year. Michelle not only modeled, textured, rigged and animated the entire production, she also secured the rights to use the music.


Preston Weinard

"Fenced In" is a delightful tale of the meeting between a corgi pup and a group of moles who have found the dog's ball. Told from the point of view of both the color blind dog and the simply blind moles, the story takes an interesting turn when one of the moles tosses the dog's ball over the fence.


Ali Pordeli

"The Valley of the Reversed Mountains" is a 2D animation created entirely in After Effects by senior Illustration major Ali Pordeli. Told in flashback form, the story centers around a young man and his guide on a quest to find the reversed mountain.

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