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Jacksonville Computer Animation Highlights Fall 2014

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This video represents the highlights from the Fall 2014 Jacksonville University Computer Animation classes. You can view this through Vimeo. Click on the timecode below to link to the specific

class example.


FVA 262 3D Modeling and Design

This reel consists of there artistic problems. 

The Toy Model problem required students to model a simple toy from an instructor provided blueprint. Students textured, lit and rendered the model in color, clay texture and wireframe modes. Some used studio lighting while others used Image Based Lighting to render their models at the end of the semester.

The Mask Assignment required students to model from front and side photos of their chosen subject. They imported their models into Mudbox for additional detail sculpting and painting. They rendered their final products in Maya Mental Ray.

Finally, students completed the Munny Doll assignment by modeling a Munny Doll ‘Blank’ in Maya. They took it to Mudbox for sculpting and painting. They rendered it in Maya using IBL lighting in Mental Ray.


FVA 366 Intermediate Computer Animation

Students completed a variety of assignments in this class. The first was an open, ‘Simple Actions’ assignment that could include sneezing, double takes, dealing cards, clenching making a fist. We also worked with a dance class at JU to film reference. Some students created animations of the instructor supplied characters dancing also. 

The Lift assignment required students to animate a character lifting a heavy object and moving it from point A to Point B. Jonathan Vincent created the purple character moving the tire.

The Lip Synch Film Reference Project required the students to take a 10-12 second sound clip from a movie or TV program and animate an instructor supplied character acting out the performance.


FVA 367 Animation Drawing

Presentation Drawing: Students created a poster presentation drawing for a character of their own design. They completed the first project in After Effects where they animated the layered Photoshop file that contained their drawings.

We transitioned to Flash to create the Motion Study. Students took an existing video to use as reference and quickly created a rotoscoped motion study.

In the Straight Ahead animation students created an animation based on their own personal preference. Copyright prevents the inclusion of the original music, but the copyright-free music from works equally well.


FVA 462 Advanced Computer Animation

Here please enjoy the particle assignment where students used particles and nFluids to fry Machismo, an instructor supplied character.

The Fashion Show required students to design a set of clothes and simulate an animation using a geocached animation supplied by the instructor.

Thesis research comprised the bulk of the rest of the semester as students created assets for used in their senior theses.

JU Animation extends special thanks to Kevin MacLeod of for granting us the use of Jalandhar and Vadodora Chill Mix as the soundtrack for this reel.

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